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Yeo Kheng Meng

Maker, Coder, Private Pilot, Retrocomputing Enthusiast

5 minutes read

I’ve been working in a Chinese tech company for some months now. I realised I needed to improve my command of technical Chinese rather than taking the easy way out of using the English terms when communicating with my Chinese colleagues.

10 minutes read

With the GE2020 now over, we know the PAP has been returned to power safely with a more than comfortable supermajority margin. Prior to polling day, PAP candidates raised the possibility of PAP losing their majority in a freak election and the alternative side stating the opposite scenario.

8 minutes read

I recently purchased a new-old motherboard. It’s a motherboard released in 2020 but not the usual you would expect of the latest motherboard released this year that support the latest CPUs and connectivity options. This motherboard supports a CPU first released in 1979 (Intel 8088) and comes with historic connectivity options like serial and parallel.

8 minutes read

Migrating my blog to a static site has been on a backburner for several months for me. Given the recent circuit-breaker or “soft-lockdown” in Singapore, I found the time to finally take the plunge.

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