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Yeo Kheng Meng

Maker, Coder, Private Pilot, Retrocomputing Enthusiast


8 minutes read

This is the third hackathon I have joined and the first that involves hardware. Although my team was not selected to go for the next round of judging, I’m glad to have learned alot during this IDA-organised XtremeApps hackathon held at SMU.

6 minutes read

NUS Hackers tried to encourage participants to write a blog post or on social media about their experiences in the HacknRoll 2014, so here it is.  Nah, I would have written this anyway without their encouragement. But after they read what I wrote, I wonder if they would still share it.

5 minutes read

I confess I signed up for this weekend event at the last minute. One of the team members who was an acquaintance of mine said they needed one more member so I joined. I can say, I left this 24hour hackathon today with no regrets other than the proverbial, I could have done that better in hindsight attitude. This was my first hackathon and most definitely won’t be my last.

1 minute read

Having switched to the Programmer Dvorak, its major shortcoming was the lower priority of the number keys. For my laptop, this was even more acute for number-intensive applications like spreadsheets. That was when I bought a number pad but I was afraid of losing it. So brainwave!

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