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Yeo Kheng Meng

Maker, Coder, Private Pilot, Retrocomputing Enthusiast

7 minutes read

I can’t count how many times I have received business cards only for me to forget about them shortly afterwards. I’m sure I’m not the only one that feel this way when you get a card from someone. For the technical-oriented, you can go directly to my Github link on this project.

5 minutes read

I was not the first person that came up with the title above, but I thought it resonated perfectly with my undergraduate life especially my last few semesters. The last sem is indeed my hardest Sem.

4 minutes read

Since I started dabbling with hardware like the Arduino, I have always wondered what it would seem like to integrate it with clothing (materials) but did not find the urge to learn.

8 minutes read

I have heard of the acronym NUTS some years back coined by the famous Singaporean technopreneur Sim Wong Hoo (SWH). For the unaware, SWH is the founder of Creative Technologies (CT), the maker of the Sound Blaster sound cards that used to be the industry standard for computer audio and very popular up to a decade ago. As I encountered this phrase quite recently again, I decided to further explore its origins.

7 minutes read

This is the third Hack&Roll hackathon I have joined and my very last one for this hackathon and as an NUS student.  Can check out my first two here and here.  Didn’t win anything but not that we were expecting any, it is the stuff we learned that were most important.

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